Why is the safety of your distribution rooms important?

As we all know, the distribution rooms plays a vital role in the electrical system’s safe operations and power distribution throughout the building. Failure to maintain the distribution rooms can lead to severe consequences, making it imperative to prioritize its upkeep.

As an important guarantee for the stability of corporate development, the safety of the distribution rooms is directly tied to the safety of production, equipment, and personnel, and imposes indirect impacts on corporate competency and efficiency.

Here are the three main reasons for more attention on distribution room management:

  1. Avoid production disruption. Safeguarding continuous production requires reliable power distribution rooms as the core of modern industrial facilities. Only when these rooms work safely and consistently can production safety be ensured.
  2. Avoid Accidents. It is crucial to ensure the safety of staff and prevent compliance accidents in the distribution room. Any mishandling or use of aging equipment can result in severe injury, electric shock, or even electrocution. Such incidents can lead to significant financial losses, legal issues, and reputational damage for the organization.
  3. Embrace sustainability. Power distribution control helps achieve emission reduction goals and promotes sustainability.

How do we safeguard the stable and riskless operation in the long run?

This issue has always been a top priority for Aden, and we firmly believe that a company can only focus on its main business when it has strong support.

That’s why we have developed the “Mega Safe” strategy, which is built on our experience and expertise in safety, environmental protection, health, energy, carbon emissions, and security. This strategy is centered on EHS risk management and provides a solid foundation for a company’s daily operation and management, making it a robust long-term development strategy.

To implement this strategy, Aden integrates EHS into daily business operations and standard operating procedures from the very beginning. We conduct EHS reviews at the start of all group operational meetings, and we ensure that site managers don’t have to choose between profit and safety.

To take our efforts even further, we have launched the MEGA SAFE campaign, which has set up digital reporting and information-sharing systems across every site. We have created a formal internal EHS audit plan, and every employee can share and access information about EHS best practices. Our employees can also pre-emptively flag and address any potential risks, and we will establish two-way communication with Aden EHS experts and staff while helping Aden maintain even more robust tracking of our EHS initiatives.

At Aden, we prioritize safety as the cornerstone of business success and strategy. We are dedicated to ensuring that everyone at the sites we manage remains safe, secure, and productive.